Amanda Phillips


Acting: Laurel Vouvre (Meisner), Steve Prince/CK (Advanced Creativity Workshop), Steve Prince (Meisner), CK McFarland (Alleywood Studio-film acting), Van Brooks (Two Chairs Stutio-Mastery), Lane West (Alleywood-Audition Workshop), Les McGehee (Nat’l Comedy Theater-improvisation), Mona Lee (BriteLites Studio-film acting), Toni Perensky (BriteLites-commercial acting), Marci Lynne (Music Lab-vocal technique/stage performance skills/singing intensive).


Spanish, mountaineering, rock climbing, running, wilderness survival, western horseback riding, swimming, hiphop, drawing, ride bicycle, singing.

Name Amanda Phillips

1. What is nick name of Amanda Phillips ?

Nick name of Amanda Phillips is Amanda Vaez Phillips

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