Brent Sexton

Brent Sexton (born August 12, 1967) is an American actor best known for his roles in the television series The Killing, Life and Deadwood. He has also guest-starred in several other television series, such as Justified, That's Life, Birds of Prey, and Judging Amy. His acting career began in 1989 on the television series B.L. Stryker. He has also appeared in several motion pictures, such as In the Valley of Elah, Flightplan, Radio, and A.I. Artificial Intelligence.

In 2005, the movie Radio won a CAMIE Award and, in 2006, the cast of Deadwood was nominated for a SAG Award.

Name Brent Sexton
Age 70 years 9 month 20 days old
Born Place St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Birthday 1953-07-23

Brent Sexton - FAQ

1. Brent Sexton Age in 2024 ?

Brent Sexton Age in 2024 is 70 years 9 month 20 days old

2. What is the birthday of Brent Sexton ?

Birthday of Brent Sexton is 1953-07-23

3. What is the gender of Brent Sexton ?

Gender of Brent Sexton is Male

4. Where Brent Sexton was born?

Brent Sexton was born in St. Louis, Missouri, USA

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