Earl Boen

Earl Boen (August 8, 1941 - January 5, 2023) was an American actor and voice actor, best known as criminal psychologist Dr. Peter Silberman in The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. He is the only actor besides Arnold Schwarzenegger to appear in each of the first three Terminator films.

He also did voiced characters such as Mr. Bleakman in Clifford the Big Red Dog and Señor Senior Sr. in Kim Possible.

Name Earl Boen
Age 82 years 9 month 12 days old
Born Place New York City, New York, USA
Birthday 1941-08-08
Death 2023-01-05

Earl Boen - FAQ

1. Earl Boen Age in 2024 ?

Earl Boen Age in 2024 is 82 years 9 month 12 days old

2. What was the birthday of Earl Boen ?

Birthday of Earl Boen was 1941-08-08

3. What was the gender of Earl Boen ?

Gender of Earl Boen was Male

4. When Earl Boen was Died ?

Earl Boen was died on 2023-01-05

5. Where Earl Boen was born?

Earl Boen was born in New York City, New York, USA

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